Healthcare effects more than its own industry

healthcarelawyerSometimes in our own careers we don’t stop and think about what is happening in other industries, sometimes we don’t even think how our industry can effect other industries.

Think about it, in your healthcare staffing career have you stopped think about how other career fields work, how their staffing is handled, how their scheduling is completely different. I can’t be the only one who hasn’t stopped to think how my non-healthcare staffing friends search for jobs, hnadle their schedules or how their daily “work-life” is opposite from mine.

Now your probably, thinking “Where are you going with this?”.

When studying to be in the healthcare fields, you focus on the different paths it offers such as the types of doctors, nurses and care-giver you can become. Once choosing your healthcare path you then think about the different facilities you can work in, such as hospitals, clinics or private practices.

Now here’s the curve-ball, think about those studying to be a lawyer. Sure, they have some what of the same thoughts as any other career choice, choose the type of attorney you want to be and what setting you want to work in. Did you think that they have to study the basics of being a lawyer, but they also have to step in to our healthcare world.

With the new Afforadable Care Act, Lawyers are in high demand for the healthcare industry. Even companies in healthcare who have a strong, in-house law department. If someone is wanting to become a lawyer, now is the time to specialize in the healthcare world. Primary areas to specialize in include complex hospital mergers, Medicare audits and disputes over reimbursements.

Due to the ever-growing list of unknown questions it’s wise for the healthcare world to keep a strong bond with their legal departments and keeping each other in the know with the changes that are about to happen to both worlds.

Does your company have it’s own in-house legal department? Has your company considered amping up the need for legal services because of the new Affordable Healthcare Act? Let us know your thoughts and opinions!