10 ways to show your nurses you care this week

NationalNursesWeekBannerIt’s national nurses week, as well as, hospitals week! Be sure to take a moment or two to show your caregivers and facilities the acknowledment and recognition that they do.

Not sure how to do that, well here are 10 ways you can show you care:


Sometimes even a simple, “Thank you for all you do or have done for me” can make a persons day.

2. Get them a small gift of appreciation.

Send them flowers, give the gift a mug or giftcard. Sometimes the smallest things can mean more than more than you will ever know.

3. Acknowledge them on your social media accounts.

Post a photo of them and a nice message going along with it. That way everyone can see how much that you appreciate them.

4. Send a thank you card.

Have you had an awesome nurse? Or have a hospital go out of their way to take care of you? Let them know. Mail them a thank you card.

5. Take them out to lunch or cater a lunch for your hospital.

Who doesn’t love food? Again, a small gesture, such as taking someone to lunch or catering lunch for a group of people can show you care.

6. Give them a certificate of recognition.

It’s a physical piece of acknowledment that the caregiver or facility can look at and be reminded that their hard work does pay off and doesn’t go unnoticed.

7. Make a donation in their honor.

Donate in the name of the facility or group of caregivers to a local organization or another facility that is in need.

8. Games and Activities.

Set up some games or activities in a breakroom, so that caregivers can stop by for a break and unwind for a bit. Mental breaks are good and there’s nothing a game of Wii tennis or Mario Kart can’t fix, right?

9. Publish a Press Release

Acknowledge your facility and caregivers in a local newspaper or media outlet. Has a caregiver gone above and beyond to make a patient feel special? Include their story and a quote. Show off your incredible caregiving staff!

10. Don’t forget.

Even though there is a whole dedicated to our hardworking nurses and facilities, don’t forget to acknowledge them all year.