What NOT to do as a Healthcare Staffing Recruiter on Linked In

256px Linkedin.svg 2LinkedIn has proven to be a great tool to build business relationships and a great platform for reaching out to potential candidates.  Heck, over 93% of recruiters actively use LinkedIn. It has made recruiting quicker and more efficient for even the tightest budget. However, many healthcare staffing agencies are still not as effective in their LinkedIn efforts as they could be. 

What are some of the mistakes you could be making?

1. Sending BAD Messages – Okay folks, the form emails need to end.  You know who you are and if you are guilty of using form emails, please stop! There is no faster way to turn off a prospective candidate is by sending them a form letter.  I always say you can use a standard outline but make the message personalized.  Show the candidate that you actually spent a few minutes reviewing their profile and are REALLY interested in them. 

2.  Do you blatantly disregarding group policies? There are just a few people who seem to spoil a group for everyone and there are even some groups who have taken serious offense to it saying, “RECRUITERS: If you post a JOB on our DISCUSSION board I will ban you immediately.   I recently cleaned out over 100+ BS recruiter spam/job posts and this blatant disregard to group policy is driving people away. So don’t be stupid, just be warned.“  I know group moderators are supposed to police their groups but honestly can’t people respect the rules of the group and follow the rules of the group?

3.  Please don’t spam jobs. If you have been reading my series of blog’s about social media in healthcare staffing you will find a common theme.  Don’t SPAM!  No one likes spam no matter what form it comes in; email, text messages, twitter, Facebook and even LinkedIn. Spamming job posts is the quick and easy way to use LinkedIn but that doesn’t mean it is right or that it works. 

4.  InMail is not free. Many recruiters pay LinkedIn every month to have more access to LinkedIn including more “InMails.” What is InMail? InMail is a way to contact another LinkedIn user without the need for an introduction or having direct contact information.  InMail can be an extremely useful tool but most Job Seekers don’t pay for an upgraded plan and if they do, they only have 10 “InMails” a month.  So, recruiters need to be cognoscente that not everyone is has an upgraded Account and to utilize InMails appropriately.

5.  Re-posting everything you have on Facebook and Twitter on LinkedIn is just plain BAD.  Its not just bad social media, but it is really BORING.  Keep in mind every social media platform has its own unique voice and users who link all of their social media platforms are being lazy.  LinkedIn is a professional social media platform for business purposes, therefore don’t post things that are not business related.  

If you are one of the people that is abusing LinkedIn – now you know what NOT to do!  Reorganize your social media presence on LinkedIn and start presenting yourself in a better light and you might notice a bigger ROI when using LinkedIn.  Good luck connecting!

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