Social media isn’t scary

“Do you have Facebook?…Are you on Twitter?”

bigstock Social Media Computer Key Show 32625932How many times have you met someone and wanted to stay in touch and they ask you if you Facebook, or vice versa? Or how many times have you had a conversation with someone that starts with, “I saw on Facebook the other day…” – all the time, right? 

Social media seems to have taken over our personal lives. So much of today’s communication is done via texting, Twitter, or Facebook messages. There are apps for these forms of communication that make it easier to connect with our friends and colleagues on smart phones too. However, the use of social media in our personal lives seems to cause some fear in the business world.

One thing that is not well understood is how much of a benefit social media can be for your business. Some companies even hire a person to run all of the business social media accounts. The drama caused by personal social networking does not need to carry over in to your business – there is a line of seperation and it’s not as gray as you think.

Don’t let it scare you…

It’s sad when a good thing gets a bad rep – this happens in social media. The drama of our personal lives on our personal networks can sometimes detour people away from wanting to use social media completely, whether it be for themselves or their businesses. It’s clear to see how some people want to stay away from online networks because they don’t want their lives exploited to the public. Some people choose not to tweet because they don’t want others to know where they are or what they are doing – understandable. Some people don’t like to use Facebook because they feel that it’s to “stalker-ish” – again, understandable. What people don’t take a step back to understand is you are in control of your content. If you don’t want pictures posted – don’t post them. If you don’t want people to know where you are – don’t tell them. You can control your content. With that being said, make the decision to use your accounts for something good – like your business!

What can social media do for you?

Before we go into why you should use social media, it might be best to educate yourself on what options are available for you. Yes, there is more than just Facebook and Twitter. There are hundreds of options but only a few will be discussed.

Flickr– Did your company host a fun event or have a bunch of photos of product that needs shared? Set up a Flickr account to set up online photo albums for your clients to view.

FourSquare– Let your guests “check-in” at your business – here’s a hint: people love free stuff so offer give-aways for those who check in.

Instagram– Another way to share photos with your clients. Instagram is a news feed of photos and it offers different filters for you to “spice” up the look of your photographs.

Pinterest– Pinterest is kind of “the new kid on the block” when it comes to social media. This site will allow you to create different boards to post “Pins”. Thing of this site as an online “cork-board” that you pin things on that you wan’t to remember. You can re-pin others’ pins (posts). It does take some getting used to but it’s just another way to showcase all the wonderful things your company is doing. Share your blogs, share photos…come up with a new idea how to do something? Share it on Pinterest!

YouTube– Utilize YouTube to show users how to use certain products your company offers. Or use it to promote products with a review. Post fun non-company related videos. Show your customers that you are personable.

LinkedIn– Think of this site as an online portfolio of your work – a more in-depth version of your resume. Your favorite books, movies and activities are not of concern with this form of online media. Your friends and colleagues can endorse your specialties. You can also network with others if you are looking for a job. Not only is LinkedIn a social network but you can apply to jobs that companies post on their job board. No need to attach a resume or send them an email, your profile will take care of that for you.

Keep in mind these are only a few selections and there are many more options of social networking out there and available for you to explore. 

Thinking outside of the box…

Social networking can be fun. Every day people are coming up with new and creative ways to utilize their accounts – ways that social media accounts are intended for but work for their businesses. Do you want to know one of the coolest things about social networks….one word: FREE! Most, if not all, social network sites allow you to create an account for free. You can promote your business or product for FREE!

Post on your social networks about about a upcoming sale, job posting, new product, company, etc and your followers can share your information. Word of mouth advertising just got easier just by the click of a mouse!

Connect with us!

Now that you have some more social media knowledge, connect with us! 

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