And the winner is………

This week Americans exercised their constitutional right to vote on everything from local offices and amendments to the President of the United States. The results of the Presidential race ensure that the Affordable healthcare plan will continue to roll through its regulatory and nation-wide implementation deadlines. States that have gambled on a total repeal of the plan will now have to scramble to put together the statewide health exchanges. The major difference in state governments and the Feds is the Feds ability to “print” or generate additional funds via the Federal Treasury.

In talking with friends on both sides of the political spectrum, I find each has strong viewpoints on the way things should be done in the good ol’ USA. Being in Nashville in the midst of several healthcare giants, I remember a specific conversation with the now CEO of one of the major healthcare entities in the U.S. I remember asking him about the specific actions the company would take based on some legislative issues that could seriously impact the organization. He very calmly assured me that they had studied the pertinent legislation, the probable impact on his industry, and how they would work through it in the event of its passage. What I perceived to be a real threat to his industry, he had already examined and determined what path to take in that scenario.

That comment brought to mind the often quoted Serenity Prayer …”God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

And, by the way, the person who shared his thoughts with me has doubled in size and earnings since that conversation a few short years ago.