Imagine This….


Let’s paint a picture:

You’re out having lunch or coffee with some of your colleagues and you get an important call that everyone at the table should take part in as a conference call but the speaker on your phone makes it slightly difficult for everyone to hear – such an inconvenience, right? What if you have a great demo on your iPad or tablet, and you run into a potential new client and they are ready to do the demo but the speaker on your tablet just isn’t loud enough – yet again, an inconvenience.

Ok…maybe you don’t have this problem but what about this: Ladies, you may have experienced this problem where you have more month than money and you’ve had your eye on a new designer bag but can’t seem to make it work out for you to bring that new bag home with you.

Have no fear, BlueSky is here to fix these problems!

If you’ve been keeping up with our blogs and social media posts you may have noticed we have been talking about some big prizes that will be available at the Healthcare Staffing Summit. We will be giving away a Jambox AND a Michael Kors Purse.

Now you’re probably thinking, “Ok cool, great prizes….but HOW do I win them?” The answer is simple – follow us on Twitter and “like” us on Facebook and pay close attention to all of our posts during the Healthcare Staffing Summit to find out how to win.

Now if that doesn’t get you excited we don’t know what will! We are excited to see everyone – be sure to stop by booth 101 to see us!