What can we learn from Michael Phelps in Healthcare Staffing?

Healthcare Staffing: A Matter of Inches

Many who watched this last weeks Olympics competition witnessed the completion of swimmer Michael Phelps’ cumulative record of 18 Gold medals and 22 total.  As replays showed his gold medal races over the last three Olympics, it was clear that many of the gold medals were won as a result of mere inches. At least half of Phelps’ gold medal count could be attributed to finishing less than six inches before the silver medal winner.  

In healthcare staffing, many times success in the medical staffing business comes down to those last inches! We put so much time in securing the client and we devote countless hours recruiting the best talent we can find. This preliminary work reminds me of the countless hours Olympians put in every week for years to earn the right to just compete. However at the end of the day, they ALL invested the time, the hours and the necessary work to be in London, but only one could claim the gold.  

What are the “inches” in the healthcare staffing industry?

It’s certainly not the obvious things that ALL staffing companies do; it’s the little things that separate the outstanding achievers. How long does it take to return a phone call, an email, or a text? Did you remember a birthday? Will you answer a call at 7:59, or 6:59, or 5:01? Have you made a list the day before of the most important things that you MUST get done the following day? The next time a return call is expected, just remember the finger-length distance that separates the gold medal winner from the second place competitors!