3 Ways to Utilize Candidates to Source Healthcare Staffing Clients

nurse3No matter how many viable candidates are in your database, the law of supply and demand will always mandate amount of revenue you can generate. In short, the more candidates you have to place (supply), the more clients (demand) you will need to service. Obviously any successful healthcare staffing firm will be working on both sides of the equation, but sometimes the supply (candidates) can be a terrific source for demand (clients).

Here are three of the easiest means to find new clients utilizing candidate information:

  1. Candidate work history. This is an excellent source for referrals. Every prior employer becomes a possible new client with vital information from the candidate. Taking the time to ask the candidate about their prior employers is a critical step in uncovering new leads.  Who did they work for? Did they work as a contingent employee? Who is responsible for contingent labor decisions? Where are their greatest needs? These questions can be used to develop a very warm lead for the account managers.
  2. Where do you want to work? The network for contingent labor can be very tight and many times friends will talk to friends about where they are assigned, and if they like where they work. Don’t miss the opportunity to ask the candidate where they would like to work, and why they think there are positions there. You never know when you will get a gem of a lead that your account manager would never have thought about.
  3. Where else have you applied and why? Again, candidates will generally apply to places they have heard, or have direct knowledge there is need. Whether the potential employer is hiring full time, or contingent, the candidate may have direct information as to their needs or shortages as well as who may be the right person to contact.

If you can establish a system to consistently obtain such information from all new candidates it can significant leverage your account management sales and marketing efforts.

What are some best tips you do to source Healthcare Staffing Clients?