Top 5 Reasons Staffing Agencies Should Test Before They Invest

Healthcare Competency Assessments

Guest Blog by Meredith Juengel – Director of Relationship Management at Prophecy Healthcare®

As a healthcare competency-testing provider, a very reasonable question we hear from staffing agencies is “Why would testing our clinicians benefit us?” 

From an agency’s perspective, adding another step to the application process on the surface might seem like it deters an applicant from applying.  So, let’s tackle this question with the top 5 reasons why staffing agencies should test clinical competencies before hiring a caregiver.

1 – Hire More Qualified Caregivers

Healthcare Staffing Agency Competency Test Before InvestWhether you have caregivers on staff or act as a contractor for individuals, the placements that you send to facilities is a direct reflection of your organization. Only through the use of validated competency testing can you verify that clinicians you staff are capable of providing safe, effective patient care.

Stand out from your competitors by being proactive and selective in your hiring process based on the ability to prove clinical competencies.

2 – Reduce DNR Rates

Typically do not return requests stem from caregivers not meshing well with other clinicians on staff.  Many times the details include the inability to perform job duties in a professional fashion, or in a timely manner.  So, testing a clinician’s job knowledge, skills, and abilities before placing them with a facility directly decreases the likelihood of a facility filing a DNR because of clinical skill deficiencies.

3 – Increase Volume of Nurse Applicants

Once facilities recognize the higher caliber staff you place, they will increase the number of placement requests with your agency.  And, news spreads!  Your placed subcontractors or clinicians will be walking billboards for the high placement ratio with your agency.

In addition, standardizing the application process with validated healthcare assessments allows referred clinicians to anticipate expectations.  Instead of surprising clinicians with the need to demonstrate their competency level – thus increasing text anxiety with the potential of adversely affecting their score – testing will be expected upfront as part of the employment process.

4 – Increase Demand & Improve Contract Terms

Being solicited for more placements from hospitals, health systems, and healthcare facilities is a position every staffing agency wants to find themselves in.  Once you demonstrate placement of high caliber caregivers, volume of demand increases.  Facilities will value your referrals since you fill positions with desirable clinicians.  

At this point you are in the position to negotiate better terms of contracts – a winning scenario for all involved!

5 – Stay out of court!

Last but certainly not least, using validated healthcare competency exams ensures compliance with federal guidelines!  If adverse impact claims (hiring discrimination) are filed against your organization, using validated hiring tools can assist you with defending these claims.

To comply with DOL Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, including exam development and requirements for OFCCP audits, purchase and use assessment tools whose company’s can prove to you the validation data behind their product.

Hiring qualified employees requires an investment of both time and corporate resources in order to hire honest employees, minimize ineffective hiring, and maintain a safe and secure workplace. Making the wrong hiring decision is an expensive choice that may cost more than most companies realize. However, with proper assessment tools in place, it is possible to protect company assets against the cost of a poor hire.

Make sure your hiring process is planting seeds of greatness for a strong future harvest.  Extra investigation into clinical competence with validated pre-hire assessment tools is a step in the right direction towards an industry-leading, placement reputation.

Test before you invest!

For more info, contact Meredith Juengel directly at 336-802-1070 ext 722.

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