The Future of ObamaCare

It all started with  the tension of the waiting game when the ultimate fate of the Affordable Care Act would be determined by the Supreme Court Justices. This hurdle was overcome by proclaiming part of the legislation as a “tax” instead of a mandate, and the voluntary participation by the states in the expansion of […]

The (not so) Simple methods to test for FTEs – (Part Two)

In the last blog ,The (not so) Simple methods to test for FTEs…,”we discussed both the “stability” period and the “measurement” period. As is the case in other Federal programs, consistency in the measurement periods is the key. Whatever period you select, (between 3 and 12 months), stay consistent in consecutive periods. What sizes of businesses are pertinent […]

Affordable Care Act Actuarial Premise

Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) will close at the end of March 2014. The original goal of 6 million enrollees will be tough to achieve. According to the Department of Health and Human Services there were four million enrollees through Feb. 25, 2014. The actuarial science that accompanied the introduction of the […]

Affordable Care Act and VMS/MSP Representations

The Affordable Care Act has some very specific implications to the world of managing multiple human capital vendors. (i.e. the VMS model and MSP). It should be a safe assumption that employees of staffing agencies are considered employees of that agency, and NOT the healthcare facility in which they provide services as a subcontracted agent. […]

Healthcare Staffing Agencies and Affordable Care Act: A Taxing Issue

Many healthcare staffing agencies that have over 50 FTEs are looking at the cost (or Tax) associated with NOT complying with the Affordable Care Act.  In 2015, employers with more than 100 FTEs will need to cover 70% of their full-time employees and by 2016 employers with more than 50 FTEs will have to cover substantially […]

ACA & SHOP – How it affects small healthcare staffing agencies

The Small Business Health Options Program, (SHOP) is a program with the affordable care act for employers with less that 50 FTEs. It is a plan that helps small businesses including healthcare staffing agencies provide health coverage to their employees. There are several feature of this plan that allow flexibility for the employer. Employers can control […]

The Future of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

The recent turn of events during the mid-term elections have the two political parties at odds over the future of the Affordable Care Act.  As a business owner, it is certainly instructive to take a look at the possible outcomes as the Republican-controlled Senate joins a Republican majority in the House.

States’ Medicaid Expansion and the Confederacy

One of the tenets of the Affordable Care Act struck down by the Supreme Court was the States’ mandated expansion of Medicaid. This segment of the legislation was seen as an “over-reach” of states rights. The choice for expansion was returned to the individual states. A map showing the states’ expansion of Medicaid has an […]

Don’t Let the Affordable Care Act Penalties Sneak Up on You!

Amidst the back and forth, the delays, and the political posturing surrounding the Affordable Care Act, DON’T FORGET THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES for employers for non-compliance.   The penalties are only for employers of 50 or more FTEs, but if your firm suddenly hits the 50 FTE threshold, penalties can accrue monthly.