Will Healthcare Employees Need to be Upskilled or Reskilled as Technology Advances?

“Upskilling” is a hot topic in today’s rapidly changing corporate world of technological advancements. Articles are published daily predicting the demise of entire workforces due to machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). While many healthcare workers serve in hands-on positions like nursing, they’re not entirely immune to the changes.

5 Ways to Integrate Healthcare AI Into Your Daily Recruiting Routine

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the talk of 2019 when it comes to healthcare recruiting. The technology still seems futuristic to many, but the fact is it’s already being leveraged by many companies large and small. There are many ways it can help teams improve the efficiency and effectiveness of daily activities.

How to Maintain Standards When Volume-Hiring Healthcare Professionals

Henry Ford is famous for having invented the assembly line. By creating systems that were simple yet efficient, he proved that quality cars could be mass-produced. Effective healthcare staffing agencies follow a similar methodology. Although they’re not working with steel components and heavy equipment, they do implement an “assembly-line”-type strategy to their recruiting and hiring […]

Considering Legal Exposure When Engaging a Staffing Firm

Liability exposure and costs associated with workers’ compensation claims are major factors for most healthcare companies. Many view nurse-staffing partnerships as a way to help mitigate risks. To some extent that’s true. However, relying on an outside recruiting firm to hire healthcare workers does not completely absolve a company from legal responsibilities.

6 Soft Skills Needed to Be Successful as a Medical Assistant

Aspiring Medical Assistants are understandably excited by their new passion. They’ve found a great career opportunity that allows them to help others. It may also be a stepping-stone to further advancement within the healthcare industry, including becoming a nurse or doctor. However, it is important to remember that special abilities are required for this challenging […]

How Medical Staffing Software Saves Money on the Back End

As technology plays a bigger role in all business, it’s easy to only focus on tools that increase revenue. Bringing more money into an organization is very important. However, it’s also critical that nursing and healthcare agencies save money on the back end. When you think about it, “a penny saved really is a penny […]

Millennial Workers Now Dominate Healthcare

Did you know that millennials now form nearly one-third of the U.S. workforce and significantly fill the ranks of nurses? With such collective power, they correspondingly exert great influence over the healthcare industry. Hospitals and nursing facilities that work to address the needs and desires of a millennial workforce are best positioned for success and […]