How Automation Has Entered Healthcare Staffing Recruiting

Automate Applicant TrackingAs the number of unemployed workers remains high along with another new graduating class from colleges around the country, the number of applicants per job posted is reaching historic levels in all professions. In many industries, including the healthcare staffing industry,  the sheer volume of applicants has resulted in a reliance on more automated methods than what was previously used.

Resume filtering (or parsing) software has automated the process of an individual set of eyes scanning each page of a resume to ascertain needed experience or credentials. A recent sample provided by Talent Function Group LLC, found that for every 1,000 individuals that noticed an online job posting, approximately 200 would begin the application process. Of these 200 starts, about half, or 100 will complete the application process.

At the time the application is completed, an applicant tracking system can kick in and begin to source key words and descriptors that define the exact position and experience needed. It’s not unusual for 75% of the completed applications to be eliminated by the resume parsing system prior to the first full round of applicable candidates. In this case, 25 of the 100 would be presented to the hiring department for follow up. After a phone or skype interview, usually 4 to 6 of these candidates will be invited for a follow-up interview. Of these, 1 to 4 will go through the final qualification stage, and ultimately one is hired. 

Although this process is repeated daily across American corporations, the healthcare staffing industry has historically had more positions available than qualified candidates available.  Despite this supply and demand conundrum, it is critical for applicants and employers to carefully assess their “key words” in work history, experience, and credentials.