Txt Me Pls: The Most Powerful Healthcare Staffing Recruiting Tool

Do you consider your staffing agency to be cutting edge?  You may have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a great healthcare scheduling software and even a blog.   All of this is excellent, however, I am going to make a very bold statement and I don’t want to scare you so make sure you are sitting down for this one!

Don’t put all your eggs in the social media basket.  

For all of those readers who know me, are probably very surprised that I am making such a statement.  I am very passionate about social media marketing for healthcare staffing agencies.  Although, I know a large percentage of marketing has moved in this direction, I don’t want you to forget about the SIMPLEST recruiting tool you have that most Americans use over 500 times a month.  

Facebook is NOT what I am talking about.  In my opinion, the most powerful recruiting tool is text massaging or SMS (Short Message Service).  I know – it’s crazy, right?  Something so simple is so easily overlooked.  Let’s take a look at the statistics.  

Text Message by the Numbers:

  • 77% of the World’s population owns a mobile phone
  • 8 trillion text messages were sent in 2011
  • 80% of people surveyed indicated that text messaging was their preferred way to send a message
  • 91% of all U.S. mobile users keep their phones within an arm’s reach at all times.
  • 97% of text messages are opened, while only 22% of emails are opened


Are you Texting?

The numbers above are earth shattering statistics for a recruiter.  If you want to stay competitive as a healthcare staffing agency, you cannot afford NOT to text message.  It has become the preferred communication method for most healthcare professionals and even people who are not technical can text message!

Recruiting with Text Messaging

How to use SMS:

  • Send Job Alerts using your healthcare scheduling software
  • Send a prospective employee a  friendly reminder for a scheduled interview
  • Wish a candidate luck before an interview and you are looking forward to meeting them
  • Text Directions to a facility for an easy reference check
  • Check a Caregiver’s availability for a job opening
  • Send reminders for missing time sheets

If the statistics aren’t enough to convince your healthcare staffing agency to start using text messaging, think about the advantages.  Text messages are read more than any other form of communication; therefore, you have a higher rate of response from healthcare professionals.  Also, people can multi-task while text messaging, which is not only great for busy recruiters, but makes it easier to contact people who are working and cannot accept calls.

As with all technology, there are some disadvantages but if used correctly these are small compared to the advantages.  First, you don’t want to lose the personal touch.  Text messaging is not meant for long conversations.  It is meant to be short, hence the name “Short Message Service.”  Texts can be easily misunderstood like any other form of written communication so be sure to use phone communication for important discussions.  

The other big drawback is that some cell phone providers still charge per text and could cost healthcare professional’s additional cellular fees.  Use common sense and get permission before sending a text to someone.  Many healthcare scheduling software companies have the ability for the provider to opt out of SMS communication.  

Remember texting opens up more of a two way communication with the healthcare provider so be prepared for that if you are using your personal phone.  Many healthcare scheduling software packages have a text messaging feature to facilitate the text messaging without giving away your private number. This may be an important feature if you don’t want your evening provider texting while on a shift break.

Are you using texting as a tool?  What have your experiences been?  Just txt me!