Persistence in the Healthcare Staffing Industry

nurse staffingThe recent surge in the national polls for Presidential candidate Mitt Romney reminds me of times I have struggled in the staffing industry. After a previous failed bid for President, and consistently trailing in every poll nation-wide, the Romney campaign is now experiencing for the first time in over 4 years the feeling of being ahead in many national polls.

Despite the perceived hopelessness of the Republican party with a candidate that “couldn’t relate to the average citizen”, and the consistent negative ads depicting years at Bain Capital as less than flattering, the Romney campaign has now made the 2012 election a real horse race!

In the quest to grow a staffing business, obstacles continually confront the account manager/recruiter. A mentor once told me that timing is everything in sales and in the building of a business. I asked what he meant by timing, and he said, “you have to be in the right place at the right time”. Puzzled, I told him I had no idea where the right place was, and certainly when the right time to be there would be.  He wisely exclaimed that “no one knows the answer to that question, so you have to beat the bushes and let the law of averages work in your favor.”

As I think back over the years, I realize that no truer words were ever spoken. So many opportunities come to those that persist, pushing through the multitude of negatives that confront each of us everyday. Regardless the outcome of November’s election, Governor Romney was at the right place at the right time during the most recent Presidential debate. Persistence and sheer determination through obstacles that would have made many turn back allowed him that great opportunity.