Social media at a whole new level

“I saw it on Facebook”

social mediaSocial media is one of the fastest growing marketing tools that is not getting the credit it deserves. There is so much more that can be done with your social media outlets than you think.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are among the top social networking sites, all of which are free. Free advertising and marketing tools that businesses should take full advantage of – they’re not just for personal use anymore.

Think of it this way, you set up a twitter account and you have a big announcement or big give-away happening within the company but you want to spread the word and fast. All it takes is for one of your followers doing something as simple as clicking on the link that says, “Retweet” under the tweet and your message has now been extended to all of your followers and theirs. Same goes for Facebook with the “Share” link, or Pinterest with “Re-pin”. Social media has a reach farther than it gets credit for.

What does this mean to you?

Lets say you have a staffing void that needs filled and you want to share the message with as many as you can to fill it. Did you know that you can integrate your social media networks to spread the word? Well you can. You may be thinking I don’t understand why I would need to do that, social media isn’t that important to me or my business. Or that you prefer an old-fashioned method: email, job boards, etc. Times have changed and it may sound scary but it will save you trouble in the long run.

Integration with social media is important to you and your business because of the widespread use of social media users/outlets and it is simple to have your messages go viral with minimal work.

Breaking down social media:

  • Create a social media account
  • Get people to follow you or “like” you
  • Post information
  • Encourage your followers to share your posts

That’s it! 4 easy steps and the information you share has gone viral not just to your “followers” but their “followers” as well, exposing you to numerous networks. This is why the integration is so important.

Quit wasting your time and utilize your social media! Free up more time for you to get other things done and let the computer and your networks help you do the work.