Facebook as a job board?

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Just a few short weeks ago, Facebook announced its long-awaited job board. In my opinion, it’s going to change the face of healthcare staffing recruiting. If you are a healthcare staffing agency and are not on Facebook then you need to be! Combine the interactive job board, which is aggregating over 1.7 million openings from recruiting companies, with Facebook’s already staggering statistics – this will make Facebook the most powerful recruiting website in the world.

Facebook Stats

  • Facebook is the #1 website in the United States
  • Facebook receives almost 10% of all Internet traffic
  • One in every five page views is Facebook
  • The average visit time on Facebook is 20 minutes

So how do you Use Facebook for Recruiting?

Well the first thing I can tell you is what NOT to do.  Do not SPAM jobs out on your Facebook page.  A wise man once said to me, “For social media to work you need to be interested in what people are saying and interesting in what you are saying.”  In otherwords, be interactive. Have Fun. Create discussions. Posts Instagram pictures of the funny thing that happened in your office today. Get the healthcare professionals interested in what you are saying and then they will start seeing all the awesome jobs you are posting.

Follow the 10-4-1 Rule

I really love the B2B 10-4-1 rule of social media. The rule is for every 10 links to third-party articles post 4 links to company blog posts and then 1 link to a landing page or job post.  How does this apply to healthcare staffing? 

10 Links

Share blog posts and other content from your clients, facilities, vendors and associations you are connected to. Such as sharing posts from the American Nursing Association or re-posting a great info-graphic that even your competitor has published. Establish trust with those folks and show you are a expert in healthcare staffing by posting their content. It’s quid pro quo – people are more inclined to giving your brand space on their Facebook wall or retweeting some of your content if you post theirs. In turn, this exposes your agency to an entire group of new people. 

4 Blog Posts

Do not be afraid to post your blog to Facebook (we will get more into Blogging for healthcare staffing later in this series).  Believe it or not BlueSky gets over 50% of our blog traffic from our Facebook links. Many blog applications will auto post them to Facebook as they are published. This ultimately drives great traffic back to your website and if it is great content then your fans will start sharing the blog post link on Facebook ultimately allowing more reach and more people to see your post without them even being a fan.

1 Landing Page or Job Post

Only post your best most attractive jobs to your Facebook page. Be strategic in what you are posting.  Look at your Facebook “Page Insights” and your demographics and post the most attractive job for that group to your Facebook page for the day. The number one mistake healthcare staffing agencies do with social media is over post jobs and then they lose interest in their fans.

In turn if you can create interesting content and be interactive to your approach to social media then you will be creating your own buzz.  Are you a healthcare staffing agency using Facebook?  If so, what is working for you?