Today is 12.12.12. and the last time we will see the same number repeat itself…atleast for another 88 years. We thought we would post a “fun” blog with some fun facts, all about the number 12 of course!
Did you know?
- A group of twelve things is called a duodecad. The ordinal adjective is duodenary, twelfth. The adjective referring to a group consisting of twelve things is duodecuple.
- The number twelve is often used as a sales unit in trade, and is often referred to as a dozen.
- Twelve is a composite number.
- Most calendar systems have 12 months in a year.
- The Western and Chinese zodiacs have 12 signs.
- In bowling 12 strikes are needed for a perfect game.
- There are 12 constellations in the ecliptic (or signs of the zodiac).
- 12 face cards in a card deck.
- 12 men have walked on the Earth’s moon.
- There are 12 dialling keys on a telephone including 0 and hash.
- The Beatles released a total of 12 studio albums.
- There are 12 “Did you know facts” posted on this blog…(See what we did there?)
Doing good with the number 12
Tonight will be a benefit concert for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Be sure to tune in and/or donate to help those in need. The show will be on at 7:30ET/6:30p CST. Artists that will be featured are: Bon Jovi, Alicia Keys, Rolling Stones, Kanye West, Roger Waters, Billy Joel and more!