New year, new goals

GoalsWith the new year comes new years resolutions. The problem with those resolutions is many will set them but never achieve them. That is the hardest part about achieving any goal – the part that bridges where you are to where you want to be.

Achieving goals, whether they’re personal or work related, can be easier than it seems. Goals don’t always have to be long term, set a goal for the week or for the day.

Determine your goals

Determining your goal or goals is the first step. You must first determine what you wish to achieve, like getting that new promotion you’ve been wanting. Once you determine what you are aiming for the next step will be setting the plan on how to obtain it. Outlining the goal is almost like setting small goals for your goal. For example, if you’re goal is to run a 5k, you can’t just show up and race without training. Look at factors like how much time you have til the race, or how far you can run each day until you can run a full 5k. You’re probably thinking, “That’s a no-brainer”.  As true as that may be, let’s put some clarification on this – choose goals for yourself that are attainable. Setting goals that are beyond our reach are harder to acheive and in turn making it easier to give up.

Set attainable and measurable goals

Start small with your goals and make sure that you are able to measure them. If you plan to set a fitness goal start your mornings by eating a healthy breakfast and then go for a walk/run. If you can set a smaller goal it will help motivate you to achieve bigger goals. Accomplishing smaller goals will also build your confidence – a key factor in going after what you want. 

Be motivated, get motivated, and stay motivative

Keep your goal in front of you at all times. Constant reminders of your goal will keep your mind focused. Create a motivation board – the more you see your goal the more determined you will become. If you’re working on a fitness goal, set your background on your phone to match your goal. If you’re working towards a promotion, put your career in front of you at all times – set reminders to work harder on already existing projects or be more pro-active in meetings or on projects.

Another way to stay motivated is to surround yourself with people with similar goals, or join an online community to share

Reward yourself!

Achieving more smaller goals equals more rewards for yourself! You’ve worked hard to acheive your goal, it’s ok to reward yourself. Earned that promotion? Treat yourself to a mini-vacation or a shopping spree. After all you deserved it!

Have you set any personal or work related goals for yourself?