Stop manual entry!

keyboard typingDo you enter a lot of caregivers into your medical staffing software manually from a list of resumes? It feels like a monotonous task which should be able to be automated.  Staffing and Recruiting companies have enough on their plates with finding great caregivers, interviewing them and placing them in the right positions without having to worry about manual data entry. Whether your company is large or small, using a resume parser can drastically reduce the manpower spent entering caregiver data by automating the process! Guess what? The process can now be automated by using cv resume parsing (Hireablity) and Blue Sky.

Benefits of Using a Resume Parsing Service

  • Eliminate Data Entry-Every minute spent on manual data entry is a minute lost. Using Hireability eliminates the need for creating candidate profiles in Blue Sky by hand. You can send resumes to Blue Sky by simply clicking on a button. Once Hireability is integrated into your Blue Sky, recruiters/company users can upload resumes with a simple click to create a caregiver profile.
  • Reduce administrative costs- Administrative costs can drive down profit margins quickly, especially when valuable time is spent entering candidate data into your software. Processing resumes with a cv resume relieves your staff or user of this enormous time-sink. They are free to concentrate on what they do best!
  • Accurate Search Results- Hireability tags and extracts all the relevant data from the resume and cover letter.
    • Find information only mentioned in included cover letters.
    • Find candidates whose skills are related to your search terms, even if those terms do not appear in the resume file.
    • Find candidates whose skills are inferred from other terms in the resume file even if those terms do not appear in the resume file.
    • Search for experience within a given field.

How do Hireability and BlueSky Staffing Software work together?

When in the caregiver section of Blue Sky Medical Staffing Software you will see this icon, all you have to do is click on the icon. You can then browse files on your computer. Select a resume. Blue Sky Medical staffing software will then create a caregiver profile from that resume! Hireablility works on almost any file type a resume could be stored (.doc .pdf .HTML and .RTF files). Very easy!