Hiring in healthcare staffing is alive and well

professionalsYou’re at that point where you’ve graduated, you earned your degree and now you are faced with a series of questions from friends, family members and colleagues:

  • What’s next?
  • What are you going to do with your degree?
  • What can you do with your degree?

and most importantly:

  • Are there any jobs within your career field?

If you are going into the healthcare staffing industry then the answer is YES! That means you nurses, physicians, specialists, and allied healthcare professionals. Healthcare staffing is alive and well! See you didn’t earn that degree for nothing!

According to a recent survey from Career Builder, healthcare is one of the top areas for hiring in the US. So recent and future grads – you’re in luck!

Stats from Career Builder’s survey:

  • 22% of health care hiring managers plan to add full-time, permanent health care employees this year (up from 19% in 2012).
  • 23% of health care employers have open positions for which they can’t find qualified talent.
  • 36% of health care employers plan to hire temporary and contract workers, up from 34% last year – to help meet increased market demands.
  • Among these employers, 37% plan to turn some temporary workers into full-time, permanent employees over the next year.

Your degree will help you score a job but be sure to also have a great group of contacts and obtain an internship that looks promising to bring you on after your time.

Marty Nemko, a contributing blogger on aol, predicted in a recent blog that the Affordable Care Act will also create a lot of jobs.

“Due to “Obamacare,” 40 million-plus more Americans, as well as the 11 million people currently in the U.S. illegally, will have access to health care. Few experts predict that there will be an accompanying increase in doctors, nurses, MRI machines and operating rooms. On the contrary, many doctors are quitting and fewer people are becoming MDs because of the low reimbursements and heavy paperwork, which will likely increase further.

Career implications? Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest HMO, a nonprofit/for-profit amalgam, is a major beneficiary of Obamacare and jobs there should be plentiful. Care will continue to be downscaled: More physical therapy will be done by physical therapy assistants. Same for occupational therapy. More MD work will be done by physician assistants and nurse practitioners, anesthesiology by nurse anesthetists. The nursing shortage will be addressed by hiring more RNs with just a two-year degree.”


The healthcare industry has a bright future and is definitely the place to be right now. So recent and future healthcare professionals – take advantage of all opporutnities that come your way. Good luck with all your future endeavors and get excited about the future of the wonderful industry that is healthcare staffing.

To those of you who are looking to hire these newcomers in the industry be sure you’re prepared to give the new professionals the best job that fits both the care giver and the organization with the appropriate software.