What can we in healthcare staffing learn from the royal baby?

royal baby 1 e1374252302217There is a buzz all over the globe about the royal baby. The new prince is here! Although this is very exciting, and I am one of those people that is probably overly invested in being interested in a baby across the pond that will someday be a prince for a country I’ve never even visited, it doesn’t mean that we can’t learn something with all this buzz.

You’re probably sitting there scratching you’re head wondering how in the world could we learn something in our healthcare staffing industry from the royal baby buzz. Actually we could learn a lot, but the thought furthest from your mind is marketing. Yes, I said marketing.

I’m not saying the royals are parading the new child around as if it were a show pony, and they don’t have to because the name they have built for themselves as a family is doing the “talking” for them.

Marketing 101

You may have a pre-determined idea of what marketing is in your head, whether or not your idea is correct or not is a different story. Marketing is the action taken to promote or sell a product and or service.

In the healthcare staffing industry there is always something to be promoted to clients. For example, BlueSky offers a great staffing software that helps clients with scheduling, credentialing and payroll, just to name a few features. To see more of what BlueSky has to offer you can request a free demo! See what I did there? Marketing.

Keep It Simple – Set The Tone

Ok, on a more serious note. Marketing really does play an important role to a company’s success. A majority of the time there is a common misconception of what marketing is and/or does and why it is needed. A lot of the time people think of marketing is playing around on Facebook and Twitter all day, while that is partly true there is a method behind each and every post and the timing of each and every post that plays a factor.

Marketing sets the tone for the company, it gives clients a feel for the atmosphere of the company and also serves as a customer service point. As everyone knows, customer service is the key to a successful business.

An online presence for marketing also helps build rapport with clients and allows you to connect on a level that is only acheived through online media. A good rapport makes you like-able, and who doesn’t want to be like-able?

If you build a great rapport and rock your customer service you will have happy clients and in turn create a reputation for your company that will speak for itself because of the ground work put in through marketing.

Your Royal Staffing Company

So how exactly does this relate to the royals? Well, if you think of them as a brand, they are very like-able and many are fascinated with them. Especially, when it comes to Will and Kate. They have done their share of community service appearances and spend their time working towards promoting positivity, the public has become infatuated with a couple they have almost built their own rapport with the public and they know what they can expect from Will and Kate. Now with the arrival of the new addition to the royal family, a huge buzz has been created because they want to see what’s next for the future prince.

This can be the same for staffing companies, if you build a great rapport with your clients and they know what they can expect from you a buzz can generate on its own. When you have created a good base with marketing and customer service, when ever there is something new and exciting for your company to announce, your clients will be eager and anxiously awaiting to hear what is next.