Are you scared to try new things for your healthcare staffing agency?

cartoonnurseelephantTrying new things is always scary whether it is in your personal life or work life. Which is understandable. Trying new things is like stepping in to the uknown, like stepping into a dark alley that you’ve never been in or jumping into a pool when you’ve never learned to swim.

Just look at this video of a baby elephant testing out the waters, pun intended.

I’m guessing the thought what does this baby elephant have to do with me and my healthcare staffing agency. Actually you can learn quite a bit from the little pachyderm. Taking a dip into the pool for the first time may have seemed scary but once he faced his fear and dove right in, he found that he loved his new discovery. A love he may not have known had he not tried. So what exactly can we learn in healthcare staffing from him: TRY. Try something new and you may find that you love your new discovery.

Don’t be afraid

Don’t be afraid to try new things such as:

Social Media

We have said it time and time again. Social media really is for healthcare staffing. If you are not currently on any social media platform as a company or with a personal account give it a shot. I am a firm believer in social media, not because its my job but I love doing it and the opportunities and connections I have made because of it. Another benefit, accounts are free! You can’t turn down free promotion, you just have to know how to do it right. One question I often face is, “I don’t want people knowing my business all over the internet”. I agree, I don’t either. No one really does. The cool thing about that is, you control your social media and you are in control of what information you release to the online world. If you don’t want it out there, don’t post about it. There are also privacy settings you can put into play if you dont want your colleagues’ posts that include you to appear on your accounts. Again, YOU are in control of what YOU do. Give it a shot. Play around with it and don’t be scared. If you don’t try it you will never know what is waiting for you. Just like the elephant in the video, he may not have known how wonderful splashing around in a new pool was until he tried it little by little before diving in completely.

New Staffing Software

If you have a staffing software that doesn’t quite “cut-it” when it comes to what you need, check into your options. Don’t be afraid to switch, you have to find a match that is best for you. Jumping into a new software with out testing it is scary but at least taking a leap of faith, so request a demo. This is like dipping your feet in the water before taking the plunge. 

For instance, maybe you’ve been scared to make the switch to BlueSky because its new, or because it may seem like a lot of work to transfer your data over. You won’t ever know until you face the first obstacle of trying and testing it out. So request a demo from us! There could be something wonderful for your staffing software waiting for you.

Mobile Apps

Very rarely do you see someone, or even know someone with out a mobile phone these days. Half the time people have their phones attached to them at all times. Which is a wonderful way to stay connected at all times. However, mobile devices are not just for calls and text messaging any more. There are tons of apps available for users on both for Android users and Apple users. There’s pretty much an app for about anything you need in life. Apps to help edit photos, apps that keep all your reward card info, apps that help you with your health and nutrition, the saying is true, “There’s an app for that.”

Here at BlueSky we have our own mobile app that makes life easier for caregivers to view their schedules, submit time and apply for jobs. All this at their finger tips at anytime anywhere. This alone should be enough to help you conquer your fear of using mobile and mobile apps. You can grant more access and make things easier for your caregivers by using our mobile app. Learn more about our app here.

Trust us, your caregivers will be loving the app access just like the elephant is in the above video.

Thinking out side the box

See, you thought I was crazy relating a baby elephant in a pool to healthcare staffing, and you may still think I’m crazy BUT you did learn something new and hopefully smiled at the site of him diving in to the pool. So take a note from the little pachyderm and try something new! Dive in, roll around, find a new discovery and enjoy it! Even I learned something new from this, I learned that thinking out side the box helps you relate healthcare staffing to elephants in a pool. Definitely a new one for me.